Scientists have "hacked" photosynthesis, and it could help them speed up food production
Scientists have "hacked" photosynthesis, and it could help them speed up food production
An enzyme found in algae can make plants convert carbon dioxide into sugar more efficiently.
Photosynthesis is the crucial process by which plants convert sunlight, water and air into energy and food - and scientists from the US and UK have now taken the first step towards speeding the process up using enzymes from blue-green algae.
For decades scientists have seen room for improvement in the photosynthesis process - mainly in the activity of an enzyme called Rubisco. Rubisco is the protein that converts CO2 into sugar, and is possibly the most abundant protein on Earth, accounting for up to half of all the soluble protein found in leaves.
But the reason it’s so common is because it’s not very efficient - and researchers have long been searching for a way to boost its output.
They then engineered the Rubisco gene into the genome of a tobacco plant's chloroplast - the organelle in plants where photosynthesis occurs. They discovered that these plants were able to confer CO2 into sugar faster than normal tobacco, a sign that photosynthesis had been sped up.
"This is the first time that a plant has been created through genetic engineering to fix all of its carbon by a cyanobacterial enzyme," said Hanson in a press release. "It is an important first step in creating plants with more efficient photosynthesis." published in Nature.
Importantly, they add two extra bacterial proteins to the crops. Hanson told journalist Herkewitz from Popular Mechanics that this is likely to have helped the tobacco plant utilise the more efficient Rubisco.
At the moment the algal Rubisco, while more efficient, can waste energy by reacting with oxygen rather than CO2. Currently the scientists are overcoming this by growing the plants in chambers that maintain artificially high CO2 levels, but that’s obviously not a long-term solution.
Usually the blue-green algae overcome this problem by creating structures called carboxysomes around their Rubisco enzymes, creating a CO2-rich environment, but obviously this isn't something that occurs naturally in tobacco plants.
But there is hope - in June, the team reported that they’d engineered tobacco plants that could generate carboxysome-like structures. So the next step is to try to engineer the algal Rubisco enzyme into these plants to see if this helps to make them more efficient.
The scientists used tobacco plants for this experiment as their genome is so well studied, but this technique will also need to be tested in food crops if we have any hope of using it to help us increase our food production.